
My current research focuses on identifying and mitigating the security and privacy risks associated with AR/VR/MR devices, which have become increasingly popular in recent years. Through my work, I aim to contribute to the development of safer and more secure immersive technologies that can be used for a wide range of applications, from gaming to healthcare and beyond. My research combines data analysis, machine learning, and signal processing techniques to understand privacy concerns Extended Reality and other IoT devices create on the users.

Systemization of Knowledge Paper on Extended Reality Device's Security and Privacy [IEEE Security and Privacy Magazine, 2023]

We present a device-centric analysis of security and privacy attacks and defenses on extended reality (XR) devices. We present future research directions and propose design considerations to help ensure the security and privacy of XR devices.

With this SoK paper we analyze the security and privacy attacks related to XR devices, highlighting the importance of addressing the issues early on in this emerging field. We discuss interesting findings about how XR devices' sensors are extremely advanced, recording sensitive information about the users and their surroundings, and how with these technlogies, security and privacy attacks are not only limited to the physical world but can also be done in the virtual realm.

SoK Attack Categorization
SoK Attack Categorization